
6/6/2021 - 9/27/2021

Throughout the time of the Judges, we see Israel going through cycles covering 6 stages: (Notice 2:6-19)

1. Rest v.6-10—enjoying the blessings of the land of promise.

2. Rebellion v. 11—the people divorcing themselves from God, following idolatry and becoming captive to sin.

3. Retribution v.14-17 —God withdrawing His protection, delivering them into the hands of enemy oppressors.

4. Repentance v.18 —Israel crying to God for help, wanting to turn from their self-destructive, sinful practices.

5. Restoration v.18 —God raising judges to deliver His people from oppression.

6. Revival v.18 —Israel is led back to a life of fellowship with Him.

Then the cycle is repeated.

As we study Old/New Testament history, it would be wise to ask ourselves: Why do we disobey God’s word, even though we understand the blessings of obedience and the consequences of disobedience?

A statement we will repeat is “Obedience brings blessings and disobedience brings discipline.” (Warren Wiersbe)

In This Series

  1. Judges 2 - The Merry-Go-Round of Obedience and Disobedience
  2. Judges 4 - The Twist & Turns of God's Plan
  3. Judges 3 - Left–Handed Workings of God
  4. Judges 6 - Trophies of Grace
  5. Judges 7 - Victorious Faith
  6. Judges 8 - Be Vigilant
  7. Judges 9 - Crown ME King!
  8. Judges 10 - An Antidote for Apathy
  9. Judges 11 - Overcoming Your Past
  10. Judges 13-16 - Samson
  11. Judges 17-18 - God Plus What? A Biblical Response to a Confused World!
  12. Judges 17 - Breakdown of the Religious Community
  13. Judges 18-21 - Breakdown of a Culture