Dr. Brian D. Miller
Senior Pastor
Pastor Miller brings over 30 years of pastoral experience to Berea and serves as the church’s Senior Pastor. In this role, he oversees all church ministries, serving as the leader of the BBC ministry. Pastor Miller brings a caring and sensitive heart to help others, is personable, and reaches out to the Springfield community. As a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Pastor Miller also possesses a strong seminary education background, including a Ph.D. in pastoral ministry. He served as Senior Pastor at two previous churches, prior to having become Berea’s Senior Pastor in January 2016. Pastor Miller brings a history of church growth, vibrant and engaging ministry, and successful outreach to others. As the church’s executive leader, he possesses a strong and healthy vision for Berea to accomplish in the months and years to come. Pastor Miller enjoys personally sharing Berea’s goals with visitors and prospective church members. Pastor Miller possesses a strong pulpit presence and expository preaching is his typical sermon style.
Email: PastorMiller@BereaBibleChurch.Org

Pastor Mark Gainer
Assistant Pastor
Pastor Mark is an Assistant Pastor at Berea Bible Church and is passionate about building relationships with individuals and families through oversight of Berea’s educational and discipleship ministries, such as small groups, Sunday School, and AWANA. He also oversees the operations of the church. Prior to coming to Berea, Pastor Mark served as an Elementary Principal for eight years and as a third-grade teacher for seven years at nearby Cedarville Elementary. He is a graduate of Cedarville University with a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and the University of Dayton with a master's degree in educational leadership. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Bible and Theology from Tyndale Theological Seminary. As a long-time resident of Springfield, Pastor Mark, along with his wife Lara and four children, look forward to humbly serving the Lord for His glory and honor by shepherding, teaching, encouraging others to serve the Lord with their gifts, and sharing Christ with others.
Email: MarkGainer@BereaBibleChurch.org

Pastor Tom Wolverton
Member Care and Outreach Pastor
Pastor Tom serves as the Member Care and Outreach Pastor at Berea Bible Church. With a burning desire for evangelism fueled by the Word of God he brings over a decade of pastoral experience along with many years of serving God in various church leadership positions. He has a pastor’s heart for visiting and caring for believers of all ages with an innate ability to apply truth to everyday life. Pastor Tom, along with his wife Theresa, serves in leadership of GriefShare, a grief recovery program which reaches out into Berea’s surrounding community to those who have lost a loved one.
Email: PastorTom@BereaBibleChurch.org

Pastor Justin Schlatmann
Youth Ministries Pastor
Justin Schlatmann has served at Berea since his arrival at Cedarville University in 2019. He took up the role of the Youth Director and is excited to be able to experience the ministry. He received his Master of Divinity degree at Cedarville University in 2024. He has a passion and care for the youth and desires to see them grow in their biblical knowledge and spiritual health. One of his goals is to equip them to be witnesses for Christ in the world and to be ready to able to serve the Lord well while being united in Christ and the Church.
Email: Justin@BereaBibleChurch.org
Eliza Schlatmann
Administrative Assistant
Eliza has been at Berea since August 2020 when she began attending Cedarville University. Before Cedarville, she attended culinary school in New Jersey and obtained a degree and worked in the baking and pastry field. Eliza graduated from Cedarville 2023 with a degree in Christian Education and loves being able to serve Berea in this role.
Email: Eliza@BereaBibleChurch.org