
Berea Update for March 7, 2025

Even though there was some snow this past week, the first signs of Spring are just starting to become noticeable. The days are stretching longer, the and there’s a warmth in the breeze that wasn’t there a few weeks ago.  The upcoming week appears to be ready to give us temperatures that are almost 70!  After the long, gray winter, Spring always feels like a promise kept—a quiet reminder of God’s faithfulness. I love watching the world "wake up:" the flowers pushing through the soil, the birds returning with their songs, the way everything seems to lean toward the light. It’s as if creation itself is testifying to hope, to the truth that life can emerge from what once seemed dead.

The Bible is full of this kind of hope—hope that doesn’t deny the darkness but points us through it. Think of the Israelites standing at the edge of the Red Sea, Pharaoh’s army closing in behind them, and the waters parting at God’s command (Exodus 14). Or Lazarus, wrapped in grave clothes, stepping out of the tomb because Jesus called his name (John 11). These stories remind us that God specializes in bringing life where there was none, in making a way where there seemed to be no way. Spring echoes that same hope. It’s a season that declares, in every blooming flower and every greening branch, that winter doesn’t get the last word—God does.

Maybe you’re in a winter of your own right now, waiting for a glimpse of Spring. Life can feel barren sometimes, heavy with uncertainties or losses that leave you wondering if anything new can grow. But if you’re in Christ, you have a hope that’s as sure as the seasons He set in motion. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” This Spring, let the world around you remind you of the God who brings beauty from ashes, who promises that weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Whatever you’re facing, hold fast—your Spring is coming, because your God is faithful.

Upcoming Events
1. Don't forget to "spring ahead" this Saturday night with your clocks!  Whether we like it or not, Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend.

2. This Sunday, Pastor Miller will be returning to the book of Ephesians, preaching a message from Ephesians 2:1-10.  We'll also be recognizing three new members during the morning worship service!

3. Last Sunday was the beginning of the Spring quarter for Sunday School here at the church. There are three offerings this quarter.  Please see each below, along with the meeting location for each class:

“Visions of Glory”: Ezekiel
Teachers: Wes Kitchen and Mike Dantzer
Class Meeting Location: Front Left Room in Family Life Center

Parenting from the Tree of Life
Teacher: Dana Love
Class Meeting Location: Front Right Room in Family Life Center

Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible
Teacher: Pastor Mark Gainer
Class Meeting Location: Family Life Center

Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM.  If you weren't able to make it last week, we'd love to have you join us!

4. Berea is a member of the IFCA, which is an organization of like-minded independent churches around the world. The IFCA has several smaller clusters of churches called “regionals,” based on geographic area. Berea is part of the Ohio Regional. We are excited to announce that Berea will be hosting an Ohio Regional event called “Bound Together” next Saturday, March 15. Dr. Richard Bargas, Executive Director of the IFCA, will be the guest speaker for this event, walking us through the first chapter of Philippians, focusing on our partnership in the Gospel. All IFCA churches in Ohio have been invited to attend, and you are also invited to attend to learn more about the IFCA and hear from God’s Word. The event will run from 9:00-3:00 that day, and lunch will be provided. A registration sheet will be available at the Welcome Center Sunday morning.

5. If you interested in playing basketball together, please plan on joining us on Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center. Basketball is open to anyone who would like to play--you are even encouraged to invited friends to come along, as it's a great time of fellowship together. We'll continue to play each Tuesday until further notice.

6. A new session of small groups will begin the week of Sunday, March 16. The topic of the next small group series is “Busy: Tackling the Problem of an Overloaded Christian Life.” If you are not a part of small groups, I would encourage you to sign up for this next session. Registration information will be coming out soon!

7. Mark your calendars now, race fans!  The AWANA Grand Prix will be on Wednesday, March 19 here at the church beginning at 6:30 PM!  Even if you don't have an AWANA clubber participating in the race, you are invited to attend to come cheer on all the clubbers who are working hard right now designing the best cars they can!  Like last year, all of you will be invited to vote for the design winners on Sunday, March 16 after the morning worship service.

8. We will be having another Baby Dedication Ceremony as a part of our morning worship service on March 30.  If you are interested in participating, please let the office know by March 23.

Ways You Can Pray This Week
1. Pray for our AWANA club.  Pray for the boys and girls that are faithfully attending, learning God's story, and memorizing the His Word.  Please also pray for our leaders, teachers, and other volunteers who have done a great job this year in working with the clubbers.  Pray for wisdom and patience as they approach the end of the AWANA year.
2. Pray for the upcoming IFCA Ohio Regional here at the church.  Many individuals who will be attending will be traveling some distance to get here.  Pray too, that the time together would be a time to build relationships with other churches throughout the state who are similar to Berea, and that we may truly be "Bound Together" in the work of the Gospel.
3. Like last week, pick one person who is close to you that is not saved.  Pray fervently for them this week, that God might soften their heart toward Him.

***Please know that there are many individuals who need prayer this week due to health concerns and other events going on in their lives.  Out of sensitivity to each individual's situation, these requests may not appear in this weekly blog.  We have a "Prayer Team" at the church who receives more detailed information, and commits to praying for individuals in our church family.

This Week's Devotions
Spring is stirring outside, and with it comes a fresh invitation to hope. The Bible doesn’t treat hope as a fleeting wish—it’s a sturdy anchor, a confident expectation rooted in God’s unchanging character. Hebrews 6:19 calls it “a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul,” tethering us to the promises of God even when life feels like shifting soil. As the world blooms anew, let’s take a moment to walk through Scripture and let hope take root in our hearts.

Reflect on the Promise of Renewal
Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Spring mirrors this promise—life bursting forth after a season of waiting. Where in your life are you weary, longing for renewal? Pause and picture God breathing strength into that place, like sunlight coaxing a flower from the earth. Write down one area where you’re waiting on Him, and ask Him to renew your hope as you trust His timing.

Rest in the God Who Sees Ahead
Jeremiah 29:11 declares, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’” The God who turns Winter into Spring already sees the beauty ahead of you, even if you can’t yet. Think of a situation where the future feels uncertain. Imagine handing it to God, trusting that He’s weaving a story of hope you can’t fully see yet. Whisper a prayer: Lord, help me trust Your plans when I can’t see the path.

Rejoice in the Victory Already Won
Romans 5:5 promises, “Hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Spring reminds us of Easter, of the empty tomb, of a hope that’s already triumphed over the grave. Whatever you’re facing, Christ’s victory secures your hope—it won’t unravel. Take a moment to thank God for a specific way His love has held you steady, even in hard times. Let that gratitude lift your eyes to the hope that’s yours in Him.

Step Forward in Expectation
Psalm 130:5 says, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope.” Hope isn’t passive—it’s an active leaning into God’s Word, expecting Him to act. As Spring unfolds, what’s one small step you can take this week to live out that expectation? Maybe it’s praying a bold prayer, encouraging someone else, or simply sitting with Scripture until hope feels real again. Choose one thing, and ask God to meet you in it.

Kids (and Kids At Heart) Korner
Here are a bunch of different activities that you can do that go along with Pastor Miller's sermon this Sunday!  Coloring pages, word searches, and even a maze!  Ephesians 2 Activities  Print them out to have some fun this week!

Let us know if there is something we can pray for you about!  Have a good week!  See you Sunday!

With Hope,
