Daily Hope

April 12, 2022 - Deuteronomy 5-7

The best learning method is to use as many of our senses as possible. If we can hear, see, and put into action the principle being taught, we are much more capable of retaining the lesson. As parents or teachers educate using more than one method, we are assured of greater success.

Israel had been reminded of its past and how the Lord had guided and protected them while travelling from Egypt to their new location. The Lord had instructed Moses to assure the current members of the nation of His abiding presence. The instructions they would need to live peacefully in the land according to God's laws are now given.

The Ten Commandments and the additional statutes and ordinances are presented so the entire nation can hear God's specific instructions. The word "hear" means more than to just listen passively to these laws, but to learn and observe them carefully. This challenge is made due to the previous generation having died off and now this generation needed to accept the promises and obligations of serving the Lord. This is the purpose of the second law (Deuteronomy meaning "second law") given by Moses to the nation.

Moses desired for the people to understand that obeying the law was imperative for them to prosper and remain in the land. They must not turn to the right or the left (5:32). Understanding and hearing this important truth and teaching it to their children was to be a continual emphasis among their families (6:6-9).

The Lord did not choose the people of Israel due to their size or abilities. He chose them based on His covenantal love to Abraham (Genesis 12:12). The Lord kept His oath and redeemed His people (7:6-11).

Today the Lord extends His love toward us, not because of what we have done but because of Jesus and His finished work. Like the children of Israel, we are not the wisest, strongest, or most lovable but He has chosen us because of Christ's love. Paul stated, "just as He chose us in Him, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of His will" (Ephesians 1:4-5). Thank God today for Christ choosing you.

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.
