November 11, 2021 - Romans 15:15-33
Jeannette and I have enjoyed traveling throughout our years of ministry. We have had the privilege to go to many states and several countries to speak to churches and individuals about Jesus and His love. It truly is a special opportunity to present the teachings of Christ to new friends we have had the honor of meeting in travel.
Paul was a world traveler for his time as he took the message of Jesus Christ to people and places throughout his known world. All around the northern rim of the Mediterranean Sea he walked, sailed, and traveled proclaiming the gospel. As he concludes this written message to the Romans, it is obvious that his goal was to continue to travel and present Christ to new areas of the world.
His statement in verse 19 describes the large area where he had traveled and ministered. From Illyricum (modern day Bosnia & Herzegovina) to Israel, Paul had traveled and started churches for Jesus Christ! Verse 23 states that the apostle now sensed that his ministry in that area was complete, and a further move west was imminent. Even though Paul was aging, his desire to visit Rome and continue to Spain was indicative of his spirit for evangelism which continued to burn passionately within him.
Paul arranged his plans and asked the Roman believers to join him in seeking the Lord’s will for his upcoming excursions. From Jerusalem to Rome, Paul entreated believers to pray for him and his work. He asked for protection from those who opposed his message as well as refreshment and peace from the believers.
Today, take a moment to pray for the missionaries that you are familiar with that are serving the Lord. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom in the plans they are making, discernment in changes as they identify the Lord directing in their lives. Pray there would be a fullness of blessing and a sense of God’s will for their next steps of ministry.