October 14, 2021 - Romans 8:31-39
Having confidence in someone or something unseen can be the difference between overcoming or being defeated. I have spoken to men who have been in battle against overwhelming odds and the belief that assistance was coming sustained them and enabled them to maintain their positions. The reality of superior strength available aided them when defeat appeared inevitable.
With certainty, Paul now begins to write his concluding section of Romans, chapter eight. He has worked his thoughts through the legal ramifications of moving from being in slavery to the flesh to now being enslaved by the Spirit of God. He is wrapping up his arguments and making a capstone statement to encourage and motivate his readers. Victory was near and they were on the winning side!
“If God is for us, who can be against us?” (v.31) highlights Paul understanding of the sovereignty and absolute position that God has in this world. The standing that an individual attains when he is adopted into sonship places him in the realm of the absolute, all-powerful God. Paul’s statement implies that there may be many that oppose or are “against us” (vv.38-39) but in relation to the One True God, they are as nothing in their opposition.
“Who brings a charge against God’s elect?” (v.33), “Who is he who condemns?” (v.34), “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (v.35) are answered with a thunderous exclamation of security all believers have in Christ’s love. “Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (v.39).
You may be having a difficult time where it feels like everything is wrong. The pressures, external temptations, as well as internal emotions are all screaming at you, telling you how you are a failure in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Stop and review what Paul says in chapters six through eight. Remind yourself of the exchange you made when you asked Christ to remove the sins from your record and to be adopted by the Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ and His work. When the failures occur, return to your spiritual family and begin to live obediently in the love of Christ. Then come to these verses (vv. 31-39) and stand upon the answer of the three questions Paul states in verse 38, “For I am persuaded”.