September 27, 2021 - Romans 5:1-11
Fall is a wonderful time of the year as the fields ripen and the harvest comes into the marketplace. Driving through the country roads, past fields, orchards, and vineyards can bring a sense contentment. The hard work of summer is past, and the smells, tastes, and fruitfulness of harvest is upon us.
Paul has come to that place where he is desiring to state the fruit of justification that comes to those who have received this reality of being justified before God. The pain of separation because of sin is now replaced with the fruit that comes with a right relationship with God.
There are various exhortations in these eleven verses that tell us of the fruitful relationship we now have with God through Jesus Christ. The first is in verse one, the word is “peace” and the standing that we now enjoy because of the cessation of war that has occurred when we surrendered to Christ. We no longer have enmity but can freely experience peace with God. The second word is “access” (v.2a), which refers to the open door to the throne room of God. We are now able to stand and rejoice in the presence of our Savior.
The focus changes from what has been accomplished through Christ to the future and glory we will share with God. The word “hope” is used to highlight our future where we will share in His glory and rejoice in that reality! “Rejoice” is used also in verses three and eleven to exclaim this position we now enjoy!
As the future is anticipated, Paul does not forget that we are facing trials presently. This “hope” enables us to endure tribulations that build our character to represent Christ and imitate Him. The progression of thought draws the readers to develop the character of our Savior. This character that is developing through trials is the result of the hope we have because of the unending love of God.
We continue to see a progression of thought of God’s love abundantly flowing upon us as the Holy Spirit has been given to us (v.5). We demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit by exhibiting “love” (v.5), “joy” (v.2) and “peace” (v.1), especially through difficult circumstances.
He concludes this section with the strong admonition that we have been saved from “wrath”. This future event is no longer to be feared by the believer as Christ’s death set us free and reconciled or freed us from the penalty of judgment. “Reconciliation” has the idea of transforming a hostile relationship and establishing an enduring friendship.
Paul is stating that we have an assurance that is leading us to eternal life with our Savior! We are to rejoice in the relationship that Christ has established for us because our past is forgiven, our present is reinforced by the Spirit, and the future is secure in the person of Jesus Christ. “Rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (5:2).