
Berea Update for February 28, 2025

As I write this, the wind is really blowing outside my window!  It's so powerful!  There are so many evidences of God's power on display in nature: wind, water, earthquakes, fire.  I love the ocean. One of the reasons I do is because when I'm there, standing in the water, the waves are a tangible way that I can feel God's power. Several years ago, I went white water rafting down the Gauley River in West Virginia.  While we were heading down the river on the first day, our raft hit a large rock, and flipped us over.  Within the rapids, I felt completely powerless, as the water held me underwater, and threw me into rocks below the surface.  There was nothing I could but let the water take me until I was through that section of rapids.  Again, God's power on display.

All of us will face trials of various kinds on this side of heaven, where you feel like your life is that white water rafting story--you're feeling powerless; feeling like it's impossible to get your head above water. But, you are not alone, if you know Christ.  The all-power, Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the world is with you, with the same power that we might be able to see and feel in nature. God allows these trials for a purpose--to make us more like His Son.  Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12 says that God gave him a "thorn in the flesh" to keep him humble.  Paul pleaded with the Lord three times that this "thorn" might be taken from Him.  And this is what he writes was God's response: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  

When you feel weak and powerless, that's when God is most able to show His power.  May we be more like Paul who says in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10: "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

As we all keep pressing on, here are some important pieces of information for the days and weeks ahead:

Upcoming Events
1. This Sunday I'll be preaching the third message in the series, "Unshakable: Standing on the Promises of God."  This week's sermon is called "God's Positioning System (GPS): The Promise of God's Guidance."  I'll be using Psalm 25 and a lot of other Scripture.  Looking forward to sharing from God's Word with all of you!

2. We will be partaking of the Lord's Supper together this Sunday during the morning worship service.  There will also be a special offering collected for the Deacon's Fund, which is used to support various needs in our church family.

3. Basketball officially started this past Tuesday here at the church.  If you interested in joining us, come on Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center.  Basketball is open to anyone who would like to play--you are even encouraged to invited friends to come along, as it's a great time of fellowship together.  We'll continue to play each Tuesday until further notice.

4. Our Operation Christmas Child mission group had their first 2025 organizational meeting last month. We already have a great start to the new year! Churchwide collections will begin in April, collecting money for the boys’ soccer balls. More details will come next month. With a huge donation from Pet Smart this year of large stuffed animals for our girl boxes, we will need a lot of small fillers for both boys and girls. Here is a link to an Amazon Wish List with several items available for purchase: Operation Christmas Child Wish List 

Whether these small filler items come from Amazon or not is entirely up to you. This list is the kind of things we need a LOT (thousands) of to fill all our boxes this year. Please, if you have any questions ask Victoria Greenwood, Bonnie Dantzer, Bonnie Cummings, or Stephanie Cummings. We are excited to see what the Lord will do this year. God is Good!

5. This Sunday will be the beginning of the Spring quarter for Sunday School here at the church. There are three offerings this quarter.  Please see each below, along with the meeting location for each class:

“Visions of Glory”: Ezekiel
Teachers: Wes Kitchen and Mike Dantzer
Class Meeting Location: Front Left Room in Family Life Center

Parenting from the Tree of Life
Teacher: Dana Love
Class Meeting Location: Front Right Room in Family Life Center

Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible
Teacher: Pastor Mark Gainer
Class Meeting Location: Family Life Center

Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM.  Even if you have not registered for a class, you are welcome to join one of the groups!  We'd love to have you!

6. Berea is a member of the IFCA, which is an organization of like-minded independent churches around the world. The IFCA has several smaller clusters of churches called “regionals,” based on geographic area. Berea is part of the Ohio Regional. We are excited to announce that Berea will be hosting an Ohio Regional event called “Bound Together” on Saturday, March 15. Dr. Richard Bargas, Executive Director of the IFCA, will be the guest speaker for this event, walking us through the first chapter of Philippians, focusing on our partnership in the Gospel. All IFCA churches in Ohio have been invited to attend, and you are also invited to attend to learn more about the IFCA and hear from God’s Word. The event will run from 9:00-3:00 that day, and lunch will be provided. A registration sheet will be available at the Welcome Center Sunday morning.

7. A new session of small groups will begin the week of Sunday, March 16. The topic of the next small group series is “Busy: Tackling the Problem of an Overloaded Christian Life.” If you are not a part of small groups, I would encourage you to sign up for this next session. Registration information will be coming out soon!

8. Mark your calendars now, race fans!  The AWANA Grand Prix will be on Wednesday, March 19 here at the church beginning at 6:30 PM!  Even if you don't have an AWANA clubber participating in the race, you are invited to attend to come cheer on all the clubbers who are working hard right now designing the best cars they can!  Like last year, all of you will be invited to vote for the design winners on Sunday, March 16 after the morning worship service.

Ways You Can Pray This Week
1. Pastor Miller and Jeannette have made it safely back from the Philippines!  They are excited to share details of how God worked during their time there.  Please praise the Lord for His kindness in providing safety and opportunities to share God's Word halfway around the world!
2. Pray for the new quarter of Sunday School!  Pray for the teachers, that they might have wisdom as they share from God's Word.  Also, pray for all those who participate in one of the classes that God's Word might change the way each person lives!
3. Pick one person who is close to you that is not saved.  Pray fervently for them this week, that God might soften their heart toward Him.

***Please know that there are many individuals who need prayer this week due to health concerns and other events going on in their lives.  Out of sensitivity to each individual's situation, these requests may not appear in this weekly blog.  We have a "Prayer Team" at the church who receives more detailed information, and commits to praying for individuals in our church family.

This Week's Devotions

4 Psalms to Pray When You Need God’s Help
1. Psalm 86:1-6
Incline Your ear, Lord, and answer me,
for I am poor and oppressed.
Preserve my life, for I am devoted;
save Your servant who trusts in You.
You are my God; be gracious to me, Lord;
to You I call all the day.
Gladden the soul of Your servant;
to You, Lord, I lift up my soul.
Lord, You are good and forgiving,
most merciful to all who call on You.
Lord, hear my prayer;
listen to my cry for help.

When you cry out to God you are letting Him know that you need Him. This is exactly what the Psalmists did and because of it they were blessed beyond words! Whatever you are in need of today, tell God. Acknowledge that your soul is in need of His strength and, in humility, reaffirm that you know your spirit is poor and contrite before Him. The Lord always hears and honors the prayer of a humble child and He will hear yours in this time of need.

2. Psalm 119:132-137
Turn to me and be gracious,
according to Your judgment for those
who love Your Name.
Steady my feet in accord with Your promise;
    do not let iniquity lead me.
Free me from human oppression,
    that I may observe Your precepts.
Let Your face shine upon Your servant;
    teach me Your statutes.
My eyes shed streams of tears
    because Your Law is not observed.
You are righteous, Lord,
    and just are Your judgments.

When you ask God to “steady your feet” in accordance with His promises, you are asking Him to be your guide — the Captain of your ship as you cross the stormy seas — and this is exactly what He wants you to do! In essence, you are trusting Him just as the apostles did as they sat upon the boat in dangerous waters; learning how to stand firm when the strong winds blow. Tell God that you need His direction in your life. Ask Him to keep you steady and safe as you find cover beneath His loving wings and unfailing Word. No matter how uncertain the times may be, through faith and prayer, He will help you to stand secure no matter the circumstance. His promises are everlasting and will always assist you in walking by faith and not by sight.

3. Psalm 79:8-9
Do not remember against us
the iniquities of our forefathers;
    let Your compassion move
quickly ahead of us,
    for we have been brought very low.
Help us, God our Savior,
    on account of the glory of Your Name.
Deliver us, pardon our sins
    for Your Name’s sake.

In this prayer, the psalmist was pleading with God not to hold the sins of his past against him but to instead lavish him with divine mercy as he was on the edge of despair. Have you ever felt like this? On the very edge of despair? Sometimes we need God’s help because we feel as though we have blown it with some action we had taken or word we’ve said. But our Lord is always compassionate to the humble and repentant spirit. Even if you don’t feel like you deserve His forgiveness, you are forgiven! Ask Him today to lift you from the low place you are in and to fill you with His mercy and compassion. Through this prayer, He will never fail to comfort, strengthen and lift you from whatever situation you find yourself in.

4. Psalm 16:1-2, 7-10
Keep me safe, O God;
in You I take refuge.
I say to the Lord,
You are my Lord,
You are my only good.
I bless the Lord who counsels me;
even at night my heart exhorts me.
I keep the Lord always before me;
with Him at my right hand, I shall never be shaken. 
Therefore my heart is glad, my soul rejoices;
my body also dwells secure,
For You will not abandon my soul…

Oftentimes when we run to God for help it is because our circumstances have made us feel vulnerable and fearful. When we feel this way, we naturally seek refuge — an innate desire to be protected. Because of His infinite goodness, God not only promises His protection to those who take refuge in Him, but He desires to be your only Protector! The Lord knows that He is the only true Protector, and by you running to Him shows your faith in Him. 

Kids (and Kids At Heart) Korner
Q: What did the classmate say when asked why they kept walking by the same person at school?
A: "I was told I was supposed to walk by Faith!"

Let us know if there is something we can pray for you about!  Have a good week!  See you Sunday!

Take care,
