
Berea Update for February 21, 2025

Happy Friday!  Church felt so empty on Sunday morning!  What a wild, snowy weather morning it was!  Thanks to all of you who were able to make it in person, and for those of you who watched online. Definitely praising the Lord for the safety He provided all of us!

Seeing the Family Life Center empty was a stark reminder of just how good it is to be together each week.  I found myself longing to see faces of people I had been praying for during the week, and to hear the combined voices of our church family worshiping together in song.  Those who were here brought a joyful noise to the Lord together, but it was not the same as having the Family Life Center full! :)  There's a saying: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."  I think that's part of the reason the Lord commands that we gather together regularly in Hebrews 10:24-25: "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." As you read that passage, there's more to our coming together than just the social element of it.  When we come together as a church family, we are equipping each other to serve the Lord in our day-to-day lives.  Because each of us have unique gifts, when we gather together, the Lord uses those gifts to encourage and challenge each of us to become more like Christ.  With each day that passes, we are one step closer to eternity, and we need each other to face what lies ahead. So, we don't just desire to see you here on Sunday just to hear how you're doing (although that's certainly a part of it!)--we desire you to be with us because we need you to be more like Christ.  Can't wait to see you on Sunday!

Until then, here are some important pieces of information for the days and weeks ahead:

Upcoming Events
1. We are continuing our series on the promises of God called "Unshakable: Standing on the Promises of God" this Sunday.  I'll be preaching on the promise of forgiveness using Psalm 32 and a lot of other Scripture this Sunday morning.  Looking forward to sharing from God's Word with all of you!

2. This past Sunday, due to the snow, Pastor Miller's small group was cancelled.  Because of his Philippines trip, his small group will be meeting at the church on Sunday, February 23 at 6:00 PM instead of his house.  Mike Dantzer will be leading this week for that group.

3. Several have been asking, and we will finally be beginning to play basketball on Tuesday evenings here at the church this upcoming Tuesday, February 25.  We'll start each Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center.  Basketball is open to anyone who would like to play--you are even encouraged to invited friends to come along, as it's a great time of fellowship together.

4. Our Operation Christmas Child mission group had their first 2025 organizational meeting last month. We already have a great start to the new year! Churchwide collections will begin in April, collecting money for the boys’ soccer balls. More details will come next month. With a huge donation from Pet Smart this year of large stuffed animals for our girl boxes, we will need a lot of small fillers for both boys and girls. Here is a link to an Amazon Wish List with several items available for purchase: Operation Christmas Child Wish List

Whether these small filler items come from Amazon or not is entirely up to you. This list is the kind of things we need a LOT (thousands) of to fill all our boxes this year. Please, if you have any questions ask Victoria Greenwood, Bonnie Dantzer, Bonnie Cummings, or Stephanie Cummings. We are excited to see what the Lord will do this year. God is Good!

5. March 2 will be the beginning of the Spring quarter for Sunday School here at the church. Each quarter Berea is pleased to offer "electives" which allow adults to choose a course of most interest to them As we get close to the start date, I wanted to share information about the three adult Sunday School electives this Spring:

“Visions of Glory”: Ezekiel
Teachers: Wes Kitchen and Mike Dantzer
This course presents God's glory as revealed in the book of Ezekiel. The major themes include God's revelation of Himself, God's judgment on sin, and God's restoration of His people. The learner will respond to a fuller glimpse of God's glory with a renewed trust in and submission to God.

Parenting from the Tree of Life
Teacher: Dana Love
This course is designed for parents of children from pre-school to high school. During the course, which has been continued from Fall and Winter Quarters, participants will study God’s Word to gain wisdom in parenting on the topics of relationships, character development, encouragement, and correction.

Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible
Teacher: Pastor Mark Gainer
This doctrinal study of the Bible addresses topics such as revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity, and preservation. It also explains the Bible's story and purpose and helps the learner with understanding and interpreting the Bible correctly. Special emphasis is given to current attacks on the Bible and its authority. As a result of the course, the learner will develop a conviction that the Bible is true and will use God's Word with confidence.

In order to prepare for the quarter, please register for one of the three offerings by next Wednesday, February 26, if you have not done so already.
To register, please click here: Spring Sunday School Registration There is no need to register children, as they will continue in their current classes.

For more information about Berea's educational ministries, a copy of the Christian Education Ministry Guide, Spring 2025 can be viewed and downloaded here: Spring 2025 Berea Christian Education Brochure

Ways You Can Pray This Week
1. Continue to pray for Pastor Miller and Jeannette, who will in the Philippines for the next several days.  Pastor Miller has wrapped up teaching the books of Ephesians and Philippians at Word of Life Bible Institute, but they will also be traveling to other areas to visit others ministering for the Lord.  Lord willing, they should be back in Springfield late this upcoming week.
2. We continue to have many in our church family who are sick.  Please keep praying for them!

***Please know that there are many individuals who need prayer this week due to health concerns and other events going on in their lives.  Out of sensitivity to each individual's situation, these requests may not appear in this weekly blog.  We have a "Prayer Team" at the church who receives more detailed information, and commits to praying for individuals in our church family.

This Week's Devotions (Taken from LCBC Church, Pennsylvania)

Seven Psalms of Forgiveness
1. Psalm 32 - Forgiveness Through Confession
Psalm 32 teaches the importance of acknowledging our sins and mistakes before asking God for forgiveness. It reminds us that when we own up to the ways we’ve fallen short, we find relief and experience the joy of being made right with God. By recognizing our faults and seeking forgiveness, we open the door to healing and restoration.
“Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt...And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.” Psalm 32:5

2. Psalm 51 - A Prayer for Renewal 
If you’ve ever hit rock bottom, you’ll relate to Psalm 51. It’s a heartfelt plea for mercy that acknowledges the weight of our sins and our need for a pure heart. It also encourages us with the truth that God will always meet us in our brokenness and offer us restoration – and with that comes joy and peace like we’ve never experienced! 
“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 

3. Psalm 86 - God's Abundant Forgiveness 
Psalm 86 reassures us of God's unwavering mercy. It gives thanks for God’s forgiveness and reminds us that he is patient and compassionate with us. When we find ourselves burdened by guilt, we can turn to this psalm as a reminder of God's unconditional love for us. 
“But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15 

4. Psalm 103 - God's Forgiving Nature 
Psalm 103 compares God’s love for us to the unconditional love a parent has for their child. It encourages us with the truth that no mistake is too great – there's nothing we can do to make God stop loving us, and there’s no sin he won’t forgive. 
“He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Psalm 103:12 

5. Psalm 130 – A Plea for Forgiveness 
Psalm 130 is a powerful cry from the depths of despair. It acknowledges our human frailty and calls out to God for forgiveness and redemption. This psalm reminds us that no matter how big our failures may seem, there is always hope in seeking God's forgiveness. 
“Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer.” Psalm 130:2 

6. Psalm 143 - Trusting in God's Forgiveness 
In Psalm 143, the writer’s plea for forgiveness is coupled with a deep trust in God's faithfulness. This psalm encourages us to rely on God's guidance as we navigate the challenges of life. By placing our trust in Him, we can find hope and comfort. 
“Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” Psalm 143:8 

7. Psalm 25 - The Path of Forgiveness and Instruction 
Psalm 25 serves as a guide to anyone looking to God for direction. It emphasizes our need to humble ourselves before God and seek his wisdom in everything we do. This psalm reminds us that when we truly want to learn and move forward from our mistakes, we can turn to God and invite him to lead us down a better path. 
“The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray.” Psalm 25:8 

Kids (and Kids At Heart) Korner
Here is a coloring booklet that can help your kids learn some of the promises of God: God's Promises Coloring Book

Let us know if there is something we can pray for you about!  Have a good week!  See you Sunday!

Take care,
