
Berea Update for January 24, 2025

Good morning!  Welcome to the Berea's new blog, which I've entitled 17:11, which refers to Acts 17:11: "Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (NIV)  Our church takes its name from this passage in Scripture, where the Bereans were commended for their enthusiasm for the Word of God, and their thorough study and discernment.  Each week, my prayer is that with the blog title, you are reminded of the importance of God's Word, and are encouraged to seek out Scripture to grow in Christlikeness.

Switching to a blog format rather than a weekly email allows me to do more with these updates each week.  Now, I'll be able to include more graphics, videos, and some other exciting features as we move forward.  Today's post marks just the beginning.  These blog posts will highlight upcoming events, but will also look back so that you can all see the different events and activities happening throughout the church family!  We'll also be able to send you thoughts on Scripture, and ways that you can pray for the church family.  Another good feature is that each of these blog posts will be available here on this portion of our church website, so you can now go back and look at past posts to make sure you haven't forgotten something!  If you ever have an idea for the blog posts, please let me know!  

Upcoming Events
1. This Sunday is a really important one for our church family, so I encourage you to please join us as we worship together, and then have our church's annual business meeting after the morning service. Pastor Miller will be launching a new sermon series from the book of Ephesians this week.  After the service, we'll transition to lunch and the annual business meeting.   There will be a variety of sandwiches and soups available, and special meals for all kids.  The Annual Business Meeting is open to all who attend Berea, however, only members are able to vote on business items and for leadership positions.  Packets were given last week to help you prepare for the meeting.  If you picked one up, please don't forget to bring that with you on Sunday.  Additional packets will be available for those who need one.

2. Small groups are underway, but if you haven't signed up yet, it's not too late! If you're interested in joining one of the three options available, please click here: Small Group Information

3. Attention parents of young children! The youth want to give you a "kid-free" evening! Drop off your kids of any age at the church on February 15 from 4:00-8:00 PM while you have a night out! The youth group will be providing dinner, games, and more! Donations will go to the youth mission trip to Cleveland in July. A sign up sheet will be available at the Welcome Center this Sunday.

4. Save the date now for a Soup-er Bowl party on Sunday, February 9 from 5:30 until halftime begins here at the church. Last year, we did a chili cookoff, but this year, we've decided to expand it to allow for any soup to be entered into the fierce competition! We'll also have the game on the big screens, games available, and hopefully a whole lot of fun together! Registration is now available, both at the Welcome Center, and here: Soup-er Bowl Sunday Information/Registration

5. Are interested in becoming a member of Berea? A New Members class will be held on Saturday, February 8 from 1:00-4:00 PM. If you're interested, please let Pastor Miller know by February 2.

6. Don't forget to fill out those ministry sign-up forms! We need your help in the various ministries that Berea offers. Thank you to the many of you who have already filled one out! We are excited about your willingness to serve here at the church. A basket will be available at the Welcome Center for you to turn in your form this week. Didn't get a form? Booklets and forms are also available at the Welcome Center.  Forms are due this Sunday so teams can be quickly put together for the new ministry year.

7. Attention JOY Club!  We are planning to attend the play "The Radium Girls" at the Cedarville University Theater on Saturday, February 15th, at 2:00 PM. Tickets are $20 each. Step back to 1926, a time when radium was hailed as a miracle cure, Madame Curie was a global icon, and glowing watches were all the rage-until the workers painting them began to fall mysteriously ill. Based on a true story, "Radium Girls" follows Grace Fryer, a dial painter, as she courageously takes on her former employer in a legal battle. This fast-paced ensemble drama, filled with warmth and humor, tells a compelling story of justice, corporate intrigue, and the peculiar American obsessions of the era. Critics have praised it as a "powerful" and "engrossing" exploration of health, wealth, and the commercialization of science.  If you'd like to join us, please sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Pastor Tom directly.

Ways You Can Pray This Week
1. Pray for the Annual Business Meeting on Sunday.  We will be voting on the 2025 budget, and voting to approve Elder and Deacon nominations for the upcoming year.  Pray for unity within the church family, and for God's provision and lead for our church family as we move through 2025.
2. Pray for Berea's Youth Group, who will be traveling to their Winter Retreat at Skyview Ranch next weekend (January 31-February 2).  Pray for protection while traveling, and also for a great time together as a group with other youth from around Ohio.  Pray that the group might respond to the challenge to grow more like Christ.
3. Pray for small groups who have begun meeting in our church family.  These groups are a sweet time of fellowship together.  As these groups study prayer over the remaining weeks, pray for community to build within the church body.

***Please know that there are many individuals who need prayer this week due to health concerns and other events going on in their lives.  Out of sensitivity to each individual's situation, these requests may not appear in this weekly blog.  We have a "Prayer Team" at the church who receives more detailed information, and commits to praying for individuals in our church family.  If you are interested in being considered for this team of prayer warriors, please indicate your interest on the ministry sign-up forms.

A Challenge to Study This Week
As Pastor Miller begins his sermon series on the book of Ephesians, I would encourage you to spend intentional time this week reading through Ephesians multiple times.

Kids (and Kids At Heart) Korner
Q: Where is the best place to get an ice cream cone?
A: Sundae School!

So thankful for all of you!  See you all Sunday!

Take care,
